Revelation 1:5-6
In this coming new year may we have a renewed focus in pursuing the Lord, allowing Him to work out in our lives the truth that we are kings and priests unto God.
In the Old Testament kings reigned over a certain territory or geographical region and they exercised their authority over that region.
Priests, on the other hand, dealt entirely with the ministry to God. Their purpose was to minister to God daily through sacrifices and rituals.
As New Testament (Covenant) believers we no longer minister to the Lord with animal sacrifices and rituals, but we minister to the Lord through our daily lives. Giving Him first priority, worshiping Him, yielding to His Spirit. Romans 12:1 tells us that we are now the sacrifice that He desires, "I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of (all) the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies (presenting all your members and faculties) as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God..."
Through a renewed focus of worship and dedication to God may we be Priests that minister to God.
As kings unto God, we exersize our divine authority in extending the Kingdom of God throughout our world. It was the purpose of kings, not only to rule over their region but to extend their kingdom as much as possible.
As believers it is God's desire that we are a witness to those around us, extending the Kingdom of God. This could be in our workplace, school, neighborhood, city and so forth. Spreading the Gospel.
As New Testament believers, kingship and the priestly office is not reserved for only a select few whom God calls, but we are all kings and priests to God.
"This is the 'day of the saints' - the age of the priesthood of all believers - not centered on one superstar 'man or woman of God' but on the entire Body of Christ being mobilized to do the work of Christ in the world"
- Colin Dye, Senior Minister, Kensington Temple, London
May I yield my life to a higher degree this coming new year, may I not live for myself but give of myself to the Lord.
Father I praise You, I thank You that we are kings and priests in Christ. Help us to live worthy of this calling yielding everything we are and have to You. I praise you Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.