Saturday, November 5, 2011


"For in Him we live and move and have our being..."
                 Acts 17:28

In this portion of Scripture the Apostle Paul is speaking to the philosophers of Athens, who were very religious and loved debating about the latest philosophies of the day. They loved knowledge, new ideas and new gods. In their seeking to promote their own knowledge they had missed the reality of the Living God. Paul said in the verse before that He (Jehovah God) is not far from each person.
Jesus is not difficult to find, He is nearer than the air we breath, for He created the very air we breath. It takes a sincere seeking of the heart and stillness of the mind to sense His reality. He is near for, "In Him we live and move and have our being..." In this time of year lets remember that He is not far, but near and seeks to be loved.

Lord Jesus we praise You, we thank You for coming to earth so long ago and we thank You for dying on the cross to pay the price for our sins. Thank you for the joy of this time of year, may You be Lord. In Your name, amen.