Philippians 4:6
I think we need to be reminded again and again how important it is as Believers to continually be in contact with our Heavenly Father. To be in continued fellowship and communion with the Holy Spirit.
God desires that we live a stress free life.
That doesn't mean we will not experience stress or trials, as a matter of fact the Bible guarantees trials and tribulations, but they do not have to rule our hearts and minds.
The key to living a stress free life is to continually be in fellowship with the Lord through prayer, live a life yielded to the Holy Spirit. Then as it says in the following verse: "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
May we cultivate an attitude of prayer, daily. Knowing, that our Heavenly Father is interested in our lives.
Lord Jesus I pray that we will present all our petitions to You, knowing that You are in control and care about every detail of our lives. Draw us by Your Spirit each and every moment to be in continued fellowship with You. Amen.